Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did somebody say purple/pink soup?

Ok, so when my adorable husband brought a lovely head of purple cabbage,  I knew exactly what I was going to do with it... make soup! :)

And it turned out yummy. Hope you enjoy :)

1 head of purple cauliflower
1 medium potato (peeled and cut into medium sized squares)
Salt and pepper to taste
Dash of curry
2 garlic cloves minced
½ an onion minced
½ cup coconut milk
2 cups veggie broth
¼ cup soy creamer
1 tbsp earth balance butter
handful of shitake mushrooms and a few spinach leaves 

Remove the leaves and thick core from the cauliflower, then break cauliflower into small or medium pieces. Also Peel and cut the potato into medium chunks.

On a deep soup pan, mix the butter, garlic, onion, salt, pepper and curry powder. Heat until the onions are nice and transparent, then add the cauliflower and the potato. Heat for about 5 minutes and then add the vegetable  broth and cover. 
Allow everything to come to a boil for about ten minutes, and then add the creamer and milk. Cover once more and bring heat down to simmer for another ten to fifteen minutes (or until veggies are nice and soft)

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until creamy and smooth. Then return to pan for another five to ten minutes and then serve.

I decided to also add some shitake mushrooms, so I heated them on a separate pan and then added them to the soup once they were well cooked. (It was a great idea!)

Ok, enjoy the purple/pink soup ya'll :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mushroom Spaghetti Squash

Ah, comfort foods :) Need I say more?
Yes, these amazing foods bring us comfort wen it is cold, when we are sad, angry, tired, etc. But, alas,  not all of them are healthy. But is there any way to make healthy comfort foods? Yes there is! :)
Lets start with this lovely, and so very, very delicious Mushroom Spaghetti Squash Recipe :

What you will need:
1 cup (or more depending on how many you are serving. 1 cup is enough for one serving) spaghetti squash
1 cup of dried shiitake mushrooms
2 or 3 (depending on your taste) minced cloves of garlic
3 to 4 tbsp of earth balance butter
1 tsp chopped jalapeno
1 tsp minced ginger
1 tbsp chopped parsely
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup kale
bunch of spinach leaves

To "Make" Your Spaghetti:
Preheat the oven to 375˚ Fahrenheit
Place the squash int he oven for about an hour, until the squash can be easily cut. Let the squash cool down  until manageable, and then once it is ready, cut it in half and remove the seeds.
Then using a fork,  and scrape the inside of the squash from the top down (to create the long spaghetti strands) If it seems really hard to scrape, return to the oven for another 10 minutes. (careful though, because the squash shouldn’t be mushy)

In a pan, combine the butter, garlic, ginger, parsley, cilantro, ginger, and jalapeno. Allow these to simmer for a few minutes, and then add the mushrooms. Again, allow these to simmer a few more minutes (adding extra earth balance as and if needed) Now add the kale and spinach along with the squash and mix until warm and ready. (You may add salt and pepper as desired)

Hope you enjoy this lovely dish :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who Made Us Judge and Jury?

Ever notice how many hours a day you spend judging others?
No? Well I can tell you, it is more than you realize. More than you would want to know, actually. Because when you really take a step back and notice just how horrid you can be when “judging” those around you, I can guarantee you will not like how you sound, or who you become while doing so.
I know this because I caught myself being quite nasty towards a random lady I saw walking into the gym this morning.
What ever happened to the concept of: “Don’t judge others, lest you be judged yourself.”
I have heard people say this all the time, and have in fact, repeated it to others and to myself may times before; but somehow the judgment has yet to cease and I think it ought to. Now. For good.
Because as I started to rip this poor woman (whom I had never met and of who I know absolutely nothing) to shreds in my twisted little brain, a little ping went off in my head. I say ping because really, there is no other way for me to describe it.
It felt sort of like when you were young and decided to talk smack about some poor soul to a bunch of your “friends” in order to look “cool” only to realize that the poor soul you were slandering was listening to every word you said about them.
And yes, I do realize this woman could not read my mind, but she did turn to look in my direction (having felt my dagger eyes on her no doubt) and as I averted my eyes from her (still passing judgment mind you) I realized I felt ashamed. I felt just as I would if she had heard every single thing I had to say about her. And I was so distraught.
It took a while for me to sit back and analyze the whole situation. In fact, it took exactly 90 minutes of self-practice and meditation as I went through the first series of Ashtanga this morning.
But by the time I was preparing to try headstand (away from the wall) once more, I noticed I had gone from passing judgment on a complete stranger, to passing judgment on myself. I was (in spite of all my conscious efforts not to do so) coming down on myself hard for being such a scardy cat and not being able to master this one pose after so many months of trying. And so, I realized what was going on. I had forgotten to love.
I had completely forgotten to love other people, to love myself, to love my practice, to love my good and bad sides, to love my little successes as much as my little failures, and to just open up to grace and let go so I could love.
Ironic, really, because I have been teaching with this very topic in mind (as Valentines day came and I decided to make this all encompassing love the key focus of my classes) So, I had preached it, but not completely digested it my-self.
Then it took all my strength not to judge myself for that too.
So, I let it all go. I let go of the fear, the anger, the frustration, and opened up to the possibility of love. And I practiced the pose, and was happy to find that I haven’t mastered it yet. Because I chose to be open to the love of the practice and the pose and had realized, I can still work on it! As long I haven’t “gotten” it, I can still work on it, and that was exciting to me because it means there will always be more for me to learn.
So, I finished my practice with a smile on my face and a warmth in my heart, and then I remembered the poor lady I had torn to bits in my mind, and I sent a little loving prayer her way. Asking for her to be happy and peaceful and loved and prosperous always.
Then I went on with my day and noticed, as I listened to a talk show on the radio, how often we all do this. And how easy it was… no, not was, how easy it is for us all to judge one another.
We spend almost every hour of the day judging each other, being envious of one another, always coveting, and never being satisfied. Never simply allowing each and every human being to simply live, to simply be.
Think about it. How many people have you looked down upon because they don’t know how to dress (according to you and I guess to the fashion industry and the media in general)? How many people have you deemed “beneath” you? How many people have you criticized and made fun of because, if truth be told, they have made you feel inferior? How many people have you pushed away because they are different from you or have different beliefs? How many people have you tried to tear down in other people’s eyes so that you can look better and in some sick way, feel better about your own self? How much judgment are you passing on your own self? How often do you put your self down because you aren’t as good, bright, pretty, etc. as you “should” be?
Why can’t we let go of the judgment?
Who decided our word was the last authority regarding other people’s lives? (Often people we don’t even know)
What gives us the right to say someone is a loser, or beneath us, or any other kind of demeaning thing we can come up with? (and we can come up with a lot)
Quite clearly, we all have decided we are “better” than everyone else in the world. In fact, we have decided we are so superior; we are even too good for our own selves!
Are we really incapable of love? Are we not able to see that we are not to toss stones at one another or at our selves? How brainwashed are we? Did we ever leave high school? Is it all a big popularity contest? Does someone always have to be wrong? Does someone always have to be judged in order for us to live and feel “happy”?
No, I don’t think so. In fact, I know this is not true. We are all living creatures, we all deserve love and respect and if we are to be judged; it should be by a completely pure being only. It should be by God. Not by our human selves, which are so easily manipulated.
{Please note I am not speaking about judging a murderer or a thief in court. Obviously we are talking about other matters here, so please, do not misconstrue my words or miss their target}
So I will set a new goal for my self and be loving about it. I will make a sincere effort to stop this “judgment” career that I have chosen in my life, and I will be open to love.
Love of my-self, love of others, love of the smallest things and the biggest things. I will attempt to change the conversation in my head from one of judge and jury to one of mere being.
What do you think? Would you dare to take this journey as well?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Nopales to the Rescue

So, since I have been craving nopales for the longest time, I decided to cave in and concoct something yummy. Here is the impromptu recipe:

¼ Cup of Nopales (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nopal)
1 lime
Dash of salt
Dash of pepper
Dash of curry (or more than a dash if you want more of a kick)
Dash of garlic salt
Dash of oregano
Dash of onion powder
Dayia Cheese (just a fist full)
1 zucchini (chopped)
Olives (to taste)
Half an avocado
¼ Cup of Mushrooms
¼ Cup of Kale

In a medium pan add the nopales and allow them to warm up for about 5 minutes. Then add the lime and condiments. Allow to keep warming up for another 5 to 10 minutes and then add the remaining ingredients. Cook for another 10 minuets and serve hot (you can add some quinoa and avocado like I did) Hope you like it. 

Buen Apetito! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

So what is wrong with your life anyway?

Right, so, allow me to start this little blurb of mine by saying that I am beyond thankful for my life. No, I take that back, I am thankful for all life. Not just mine, not just my family’s or my friend’s. ALL life.
That may seem a strange statement but I mean it.
Now, last year, I was touched by an angel and my life was changed for the better ever since. And I have to say; I don’t think I will ever be able to look at life the same way again, which is fantastic.
However, I am highly aware of the fact that I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go. And I am just fine with that fact. I am fine knowing that it won’t always be easy or painless. I am even fine knowing I may sometimes forget a lesson or two and will therefore, be in need of a reminder or two.
And, this past week has been one of those “learning” or rather, “re-learning” times for me.
It all started Monday morning, when, just as I was moving through the finishing sequence of my Ashtanga practice, I was overcome by my old foe… “vertigo”. {Small side note for anyone who does not know what vertigo is… number one, lucky you; and number two, no it is not like the “movie” vertigo. It is a horrible affliction that has everything to do with your ears, which if you were not aware, influence your balance. So, when you get vertigo, the whole world, or room, starts spinning around you wildly. It is highly disorienting and highly horrifying.} This took me by surprise because not only had I been vertigo free for almost a year, but the last three times this little affliction reared its ugly head into my life, I was able to make it go away by doing yoga. But his time, my asana practice had brought it about, and it came at me harder than it had in a few years. So, my first reaction was panic. Then, I was just plain angry. But I was angry at myself. How that made any sense, I simply don’t know. But in my mind, the fact that I had gotten vertigo was somehow my fault. And I felt angry and embarrassed by it.
So, I was out of commission for two days. Having to work form home and having to cancel my yoga classes on Tuesday (a really tough decision because I love my students)
And to make matters worse, I was fighting off a cold. So, I went straight into depression mode. Ok, ok, I know; I sound like a little baby, but you have to understand. For me, being healthy is so paramount.
See, ever since I can remember I have had to deal with one thing or another. When I wasn’t being moved out of the city because my lungs were not working properly, I was getting injected for one thing or another or being assailed by salmonella, or, I was having palpitations that turned out to be what doctors call an “atrial flutter” and needing heart surgery before I was even out of high school.  Add to that all the stress related immune deficiency I had gone through while working in hell, and well, I have sort of become obsessed with staying healthy and strong for as long as possible… which if I had my way, would probably be life. (Silly I know, but what can I say)
Anyhow, the point was that I was so upset over the vertigo (which in my defense, is something I wouldn’t even wish upon the worst person alive) that when I noticed the first signs of the cold I lost it. I started to blame myself for being sick. Thinking, maybe I haven’t been eating as well as I thought I had or maybe I have been doing more than I should, or less than I should. I was mad at myself. And so, as I began to throw myself a pity party whilst working from home, and then I caught a glimpse of an actress on a magazine from a December issue that I hadn’t quite finished and I lost it.
No, thankfully, my old eating disorder self didn’t kick into high gear, but my “covet thy neighbor’s life” self kicked in and boy was this “self” vicious… or more accurately, ravenous.
This “me” was starving for everything this actress had (or all that she assumed she had). Her career, her hair, her body, her luck, her car, her stupid answers on the stupid magazine interview and then it hit me. I was back in that brain of mine again. Back in that same nightmare room where I had declared my self to be enough. That room where I had said I had had enough. And I felt embarrassed.
Here I was, telling myself that I wasn’t good enough once again. Like a dog going back to its vomit, I was going back to mine. And for what reason?
Because I was sick? Because I felt weak? Because I was looking at someone who society deemed to be better than me for no other reason than the fact that she is famous and I am not?
No way!
How had I arrived here again? How had I forgotten how wonderful my life was just because for a few days, I was not a hundred percent healthy?
Then it all hit me like a ton of bricks.
I am lucky… no, I am beyond lucky to be alive and to have a stupid cold and some vertigo be the very worst things that can assail me. How could I forget that this life, the life I have been give is more than enough. How could I have lost sight of the fact that my life isn’t just about me. That I am here for a reason. That I can make a difference in other people’s lives. If even in the smallest way; but I can make a difference. I don’t need more stuff. I don’t want more stuff.
I don’t need more health, more beauty, more smarts, more cash, more bling, more, whatever the hell else this world has been shoving down my throat for years.
I don’t need the newest brand this or that or the most expensive whatever.
Heck, I don’t need anything more than I already have in my life. And no, I am not talking about the things I have been blessed with; I am talking about the love that has surrounded me from the second I was created.
I have been blessed with life and love, and I am not going to waste it by coveting what “they” want me to covet. I am not going to sit here and listen to the people who “determine” what is desirable or necessary in our lives. I am not going to look for happiness in a golden purse, for the price of which a whole freaking nation could have been fed had the world not lost its mind and decided that status is worth more than life.
And no, I am not going to throw myself a pity party because I lost control thorough the vertigo, or because I was brought down by a microscopic annoyance. Who cares?! Yes I got sick. So freacking what?! Why did I ever think that was even consequential? I mean really… What the heck was I thinking?
And just as I was starting to come to my senses, I realized very few people truly love life. Very few people can say that they have lived life to the fullest. And even less people can say that they have helped others live their lives free and happy.
What if we all forgot this nonsense? What if we all let go of this “keeping up with the Joneses” crap? Seriously. What if we all sold our overly expensive houses and cars and helped those who don’t have a roof over their heads? What if we stopped throwing 34 million tons of food away and tried to give some of that food to the nations that do not have enough? What if we all stopped hating each other simply out of jealousy? What if we all listened to one another instead of yell at the top of our lungs because we think our voices are the only ones that matter? What if we stopped claiming that “our” people are better than “your” people? What if we stopped attacking each other for no freaking good reason? What if we stopped poisoning our food and selling it at a higher price just to make a profit? What if we stopped being cruel to animals just because we are “more evolved” than they are? What if and what if and what if….
Well I certainly can not change the world, but I can change myself. And I am changing myself so that I can be (however small) one more good influence on this world. But that is just me. ;)

With all my heart I say OM SHANTI, SHANTI, SHANTI

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Superbowl Veggie Chilli

Hello all :). As the Superbowl is approaching, I thought it would be apropos to share a yummy vegan chilli recipe for you to enjoy ;) So here goes:

What you will need:
1 can kidney beans (drained)
1 can pinto beans (drained)
1 or 2 cans diced tomatoes (drained) {i used 1 can, but if you like tomatoes, feel free to use 2}
1/2 yellow onion (chopped)
1/2 cup zucchini (chopped)
1 cup mushrooms (chopped)
1 package of vegetarian protein like "smart ground mock meat crumbles"{optional}
1 to 2 (or 3 if you love spicy) tbsp of chili powder
1 to 2 (or 3 if you love spicy) tbsp of habanero powder
2 to 3 tbsp salt
dash of pepper
Crock Pot

What to do:
Add all ingredients to your crock pot and set on low for 6 to 8 hours.

That is it ;) haha :) now you are ready to enjoy the wonderful chilli on this Superbowl (or any other) day. Hope you like it.